What I do

 So . . . what do I do, in 25 words or less?

I help cultural institutions connect with their audiences.

I do this by . . .

  • Helping institutions see themselves through the eyes of a visitor (visitor experience audits)
  • Facilitating inspiring staff development workshops
  • Writing clear, accessible text for exhibit labels, signage, brochures and graphics
  • Planning and conducting audience research and exhibit evaluation
  • Developing plans and strategies that find order in the chaos of ideas and possibilities
And yes I am for hire! But most of all, I like discussing ideas - so whether you have a project or just want a sounding board to test out an idea, please get in touch.

(N.B. I use 'cultural organisations' as a catch-all for museums, science centres, visitor attractions, botanic gardens, national parks, historic sites . . . pretty much anywhere that has a story to tell and visitors to tell it to.)